Doing what murph said

also thank you for your service. tren can make or break you, ive noticed if i pin ace everyday i have far less sides than every other day or taking tren E 2-3 times a week. i don’t really gain weight on it though i can eat a less strict diet and “get away” with it. keeps me lean. if your goal is to gain weight i would go with deca and npp because i feel like the mass i put on using nandrolones stays with me when i come off. eq is a good builder also and is very mild as far as sides go. your red blood count increases as well as your appetite
Deca didn’t help me much, but I’m not sure if it was underdosed, and I wasn’t eating that good, I’m tryin npp soon, and I have only done Tren A so maybe E would be better, and I’ve heard that EQ should increase my hunger so I got a lot of trial n error to go thru I guess…and your welcome, they are (VA) payin for my college, 3yrs worth and I got me some free health care so that was worth goin to Iraq a few time!!
you definitely earned it. remember that deca and eq are slow gainers and take a while to get built up in your system. like @Bigmurph says, npp is like tren without the sides. call it tren jr.
The only time I gained substantial water weight and it was dumb cause my dick wouldn’t work, was running deca n npp, it was fun I blew right up
I hate this one it’s old before I started working out barely weighed 158 thanks to the massive amount of pills and booze I was consuming…hey guys look what I figured out how to do, crop my ugly mug out of the pics… just kidding my woman did it. And again I apologize for my fuck ups yesterday.
What would we do with out our girls lol
Can’t live without them atleast I couldn’t. The bills would never get paid lol I probably wouldn’t even ever check the mail.