SB Labs

Drop your cocks and grab your socks gentlemen were goin to war

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@Bigmurph it all depends on what it is, and where I get it. Chicken is typically around 3.99 a lb if it’s trimmed and cleaned, whole chickens I can find for about 2$ a lb, and whole breasts un trimmed are the same. Beef can be anywhere from 4.99 a lb - 9.99$ a lb depending on whether it’s ground, or some actual cut… I typically buy briskets when they’re on sale, otherwise they’re killer at about 4.99$ for a choice and 6.99 for a prime, and when you buy them in the 15-20 lbs range it adds up! Pork around here is dirt fucking cheap, there’s more hogs in this state than people, and we’re making them all day long. I can find most pork products for a little less than 2$ a lb anywhere, unless it’s pork belly, or already cured bacon, then you start to get pricey.
Your getting pork cheaper but the rest is basically the same maybe a little more in the city.
I thought it would be a bigger difference it has gone up alot lately and im feeling it every month.
@Bigmurph it’s gone up a lot here too. 85/15 ground beef is about 6$ a pound here, this time last year you could get it for 4$ a pound. It’s ridiculous, everything has gone up. My father in law is a retired livestock farmer, I wish he still was, it would be a little cheaper!
So it has hit everyone that’s crazy I thought you guys would just get it cheaper.

The meat mafia fixes the price across the country I guess
I may have just wanted to say big meat. I’m way to juvenile
Unfortunately that’s true… even though we’re growing it here all day long, the prices still go up… I’ve worked on ammonia refridgeration systems at some different slaughter houses around here, there’s a couple hog plants that can slaughter upwards of 15-20,000 hogs a day, and beef plants are similar, 7-10,000 heads of cattle a day… not sure why the shits so damn expensive when they’re processing it like it’s going out of style
Those are crazy numbers but I honestly would have guessed more most goes to china and other countries and we get the rest like you said its plenty
@Bigmurph there is one Tysons/IBP near me that I’ve done work at, they slaughter 12,000 hogs a day and send them to China. It’s a 7 day turn around from intake at the kill house to the supermarket in China. I’m not sure the numbers on beef or poultry going over seas
I actually pulled it I shouldn’t have said that it was definitely all just playing around brother you know that I believe
That’s crazy how do the boats get there so fast.
I believe it though I didn’t even know how much meat went overseas until covid
Yeah, I didn’t know it until I worked in a few plants… and those kill plants that send their product to China, they send everything!
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