SB Labs

Drop your cocks and grab your socks gentlemen were goin to war

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Head cheese is pretty gross too. I mean who the hell came up with that idea. Oh I know Vern!! “Let’s take some brains and mix them with cheese and eat it” @JB_rD81
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Oh I fuck with head cheese hot souse all that shit
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Pickle loaf was my favorite when I was a kid @JB_rD81.

now brisket Korean bbq
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One of my jobs growing up, after killing a pig, was to clean out the intestines. I used the “there gotta be more toothpaste in here” method to get all the shit out. Then stuck a hose in there and rinsed it out.
Then I graduated to collecting the blood and having to continously stir it so it wouldn’t coagulate. Fun times. All for something called morcilla…mmmm mmmmm good
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