Elbow Tenderness /Pain

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about 3 or 4 months ago I noticed my right elbow being a little sensitive (on the outer tip or bone) Then I noticed it was hurting doing tricep push downs. It got a little worse over time then not so bad. short time later it came back and now both elbows are doing it and it really sucks doing triceps but I power through anyway. If I bump my elbows on anything it hurts like hell sometimes. Anyone else have this issue or have any idea what this might be?
Sounds like tendinitis to me. But that is my guess. Quick test if it’s tendinitis. Take a few Motrin. If the pain goes away. More than likely. Change the angle of your elbows. Move inward to body. I’m guessing you flare your arms out which can cause undue stress on your joint. But this of course is all a guess.
Thanks TBU! I should have mentioned skull crushers are the most painful to do. Anyway doing tris today so I will try the Motrin. I’m pretty good about keeping my elbows in and slightly in front of me…it’s when I’m doing the entire stack heavier they try to flare out on me.
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I have this issue too. It sucks! My elbows swell up after training. It started a few years ago. I just upped my deca dose last night because the past few days it has hurt more. I lowered the deca a few weeks ago and now I feel it, so I’m upping it to 200mg/wk. 100mg wasn’t enough.
I did use some Motrin and it defiantly helped…I think I should have taken you a little sooner before my workout as it seemed to be better toward the end
Stay away from skull crushers for a while. There’s other exercises that do more and less damage to tendons and joints.
I use a Bionic Arm by Don Joy i think is the brand, it covers my forearm all the right past my bi, Velcro’s and had metal splits you can tighten around the elbow, works wonders, also @bodyman2003 Glucosamine with MSN works well to keep joints and tendons lubed.
Hey yes buddy so ive had issues with my tennis elbow and elbows hurting. I and i use to take motrin and ibuprofen for inflammation . My dr put me on bpc 157 and about 4 weeks later was gone shit really worked for me i got off and 6 months later it came back i went back on went away so now i cycle on and off the shit
bumping your elbow will have you mad as hell when you have that issue. good lordddddd i didn’t need that reminder.

my advice is stay away from the exercises that are causing the issue. pressing to full extention, unracking barbells for shoulder press or bench by yourself can really fuck elbows up, skull crushers and overhead tricep ext also. try light skull crushers with dumbbells and rub the elbow with icy hot/ tiger balm. just needs some rest and extra attention
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mark bell has elbow CUFFS that are super tight and relieve pressure on elbows. sleeves are good too but i know i’ve worked through issues using the cuffs
Yeah bro, you have tendinitis. You will want to ice it 20 min on 20 off 2 times per day. Stay away from exercises that aggravate it, tendinitis is an over use injury. If it is on your lateral epicondyle there are some stretches that you can do, if it is part or your tricep tendon I would suggest having someone rub it with a decent amount of pressure. Lastly, NSAIDs will help with the inflammation.
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I had golfers elbow that got fired off from heavy skull crushers when not properly warmed up and fought it off 1 other time in the last 3 years. Not sure if this would work for tennis elbow but I used the forearm device below. When I drove to and from work I did this; with your arm completely extended in front of you then the side perform 1 set of 20 each direction and pause at full contraction. After a few weeks it went away. It helped a few others at my gym with this issue and it cleared them up as well. It must be contracted when the arm is at full extension to be effective and you’ll feel the burn and everything gets stretched that needs to be in the elbow area. Do both arms for balance hope it works
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