Everybody back in the gym?

Not exactly sure. For years now, I have been unable to flat bench press without pain.

For about a year now, incline, decline, and shoulder presses, (machine or dumbbell) have been painful, but I just pushed through. (Stupid, I know.)

About 4 months ago, it started to get really bad. It has the characteristics of an impingement, but also of an irritated rotator cuff. I used it very little through the shutdown, in hopes that it would heal itself, but it has not. Even going east on it now back in the gym, the pain continues, and it lingers days after using that muscle group. I’m pretty terrified of what it could be…
Pendulum swing. And weighted clockwise swing.

These are great start for shoulder recovery. The top one changed my life. A buddy of mine had the same issues I taught him pendulum swing, completely different man. Give them a try. I started with a 5 pound plate. Before workouts. I now warm up with 10 pound plate. It’s a life changer. I’m telling you.
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Please do, I just tried to do a press day, chest and triceps, and i literally couldn’t do anything but dips. Every other press was excruciating so I stopped as soon as it started to hurt. I warmed up using those methods from the other video for like 30 minutes prior too…
super stoked to be back. the gym centers me in so many ways… my diet is better, I feel better and I’m absolutely relishing the DOMS from coming back from a break.

i was a bit of a special case tho b/c i came down with an acute medical condition that required surgery whilst my gym was training me clandestinely. So I got a 2 week deload from initial quarantine, followed by 3 weeks of training 3x a week followed by 3 weeks of surgery recovery. either way, I’m back now and starting my bulk in earnest. So super excite 🙂
I have the same issue, my left shoulder is arthritic, has bursitis and bone spurs. So I have limited mobility. Effects my squats mostly because I can’t get that shoulder into position to lock the bar in. I’ve been relegated to mostly front squats and safety bar squats. Started physical therapy but only went once.