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Favorite summer cycles

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Since winter is in effect and I’ve cheated on my diet a little, I want to see what everyone’s go to summer cycles look like. For me personally goes as follows
Test E@600 week 20weeks
Dbol@50 mg Ed for 1 month
Mast prop@700mg 100mg/ed 4weeks
Cialis 5mg Ed As soon as I start dbol
And that’s about it, hate over complicating things with too many compounds. I’ve been wanting to try something like NPP but haven’t really got around to it cause dbol has always worked so well for me. This summer I want to try something a little different. I’m thinking NPP but then tren seems way more tempting.
I want to see what you guys are doing this summer maybe even some ideas for my next cycle to tweak it a little bit.
I enjoy NPP, fuck deca, and sorry buddy but fuck dbol to… I know you gotta go with what works for you and your body but give npp a shot… and I don’t do a winter/summer specific cycles I do what I’m in the mood for, which is mostly test,superD, and a third AAS, depending on my wants, most likely tren or mast.
Why dbol…? Dbol = water retention. Why would you want to look fluffy in the summer? lol

My ‘end of winter to look sexy in the summer cycle’ will be the Cutmix, by @SymBiotecLab , plus some winny.
Maybe dbol doesn’t make him fluffy, it don’t make me fluffy, just temporarily strong, bloated and kills my appetite.
Best summer cycles in my opinion

Andro mix
Test prop/tren a/mast p

Test e/tren e/mast e
Add an oral or inj tbol/var/winny/1-methyl testosterone/ mythyltrenboleone I believe that there are many others also that are great cutting compounds.

You could go the easy route health wise and just diet and hit that cardio hard but enhance it with just an eca stack or clenbuterol even Helios or ventolin or albuterol.
Then you can also tweek things depending upon your experience.
Many compounds to help with PED
When I’m on dbol I don’t hold more than 10lbs of water and when I only cycle it for 1 month at a time on a 20 week cycle I don’t find it hard to cut all the water weight. That’s one of the main reasons I use Masteron to harden up and drop my estrogen levels.
I like mast also, and yeah my body is oblivious to water weight,it’s barely there. I can eat all day and night, whatever I want.
Nacville said:
This summer I want to try something a little different. I’m thinking NPP but then tren seems way more tempting.
I love NPP, well fuck I love tren too. I’m giving superdrol a first run soon.
I’ve never run a “cutting” cycle, every cycle is a bulk!
NPP is great. I’m getting ready to run some soon. I’m just waiting til I drop a few more pounds before I start. Run that with the Masteron. Switch the test to prop and you can lower the dose. Cut the dbol. Add tbol at the end. Or Winny, Var, sdrol… whatever works for you if you think you need an oral.
That’s a lot of gear. What’s the reason for the Mast on and off? That’s one compound I’ve never run.
I see a few people saying fuck Deca. I love it. I retain no water and my joints don’t hurt. If NPP is so much better, I gotta try it. Not Dbol fan either, I prefer Anadrol.
I don’t run npp to much anymore though, not a fan of short esters, but I enjoyed it a lot, and it didn’t disrupt my appetite, which most things do.
I’ve never ran deca, but have done NPP a few times. It’s nice, blows me up, but I hold a lot of water… 👎
Here is my go to cut cycle:

Test E - 600 mg / week
Tren E - 400 mg / week
Mast E - 600 mg / week

I use the longer esters my body does not like the shorter esters like (prop).

Oh I love Deca and NPP - both have some water retention, just eat clean and should not be an issue. I just personally like Deca more over NPP as I once it kicks in joints feel great and strong as fuck on it.
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