SB Labs

Finally got covid19

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I won’t I get dick sores everytime I’ve gotten anything covid so I’ll let nature get me not choosing to get those
That’s not covid that’s herpes the gift of endless giving remember this next time your at a get together 1-5 have herpes
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Yes finally. Son tested positive yesterday but has no symptoms
My son is already over his. He has been symptom free for three days so I sent him back to school. CDC says you are contagious three days before and three days after symptoms so he should be good to go
I still have my worst symptom but technicallmits not from covid covid just makes it able to show
Girl got tested today will just stay away from her till results cuase if I didn’t hcrualy have covid I’m not trying to get it now. Sucks we’ll just FaceTime for anny
Jesus, looks like we are all getting this crap. I really wish I had known about the availability of monoclonal antibodies when I was still in the 10-day window of being infected. Probably would have made my recovery more complete. Instead, I have a cough and hack and clogged sinuses that are driving me nuts. As I posted in my log, though, I have found that bronchodilators, such as clen and ephedra, help tremendously.
Yea man I’ve been sharing a place around me with all my friends and family. They are doing them at a lot of place but they make it near impossible to google and find them. I got them on like day 7 and I turned a corner for the better within 24 hours
In the region I’m from they are doing them for free at a lot of college hospitals, just have to have a comorbidity which they don’t even really verify. I said I was two inches shorter than I am per a friends recdomendation cause I’m long and lean 6’3” 210. But with the two inches of I qualified for BMI. They transfuse them with an Iv then do a saline flush. Took like 45 mins
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