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Finally got covid19

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Good to be a Bucs fan down here in Tampa these days for sure!

A lot of good passers/QB’s back in the day. Marino, Sims, Montana, Kelly, Esiason, Staubach (Naval Academy Props), Cunningham, Young….
Ahhhh. The old days of NFL!
The old days of football were the best I used to be glued to the tv for football and then watch all the highlights on HBO. I can’t remember the name of show but I know marino was one of the hosts
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Marino was my favorite growing up he had some heat in his time finger breaking. Had all kinds of records but couldn’t quite get there it always came down to dolphins Denver or the bills. I still think Montana was top dawg in the day. Brady is the man in his era. I can’t watch football as much these days can’t even tell you who was in playoffs. And only reason I know the bcs is cause the blind pig finally found an acorn. And beat bama……. Or was it a Vegas payout?
My favorite player growing up was Barry Sanders. I grew up just outside Detroit before we moved to the country. Love that guys intensity, and humility. Class act
My home team I went to bed in first quarter… but I’m glad it’s like the rest of our sports teams can get it up but never off
Hope you get better soon! I also got it to early last week. Woke up with a sore throat, fever, headaches, and just general fatigue. I took a rapid test at my house and it immediately showed positive. Fortunately, symptoms only lasted a couple days, and as of now I’m essentially 100% back. This Omicron strain is hitting everyone now,…know so many currently with it.
I’ve dropped 10Lbs from this covid bug I’ve had the past almost 4 weeks. This is the lightest I’ve been in years and pretty much ever while on AAS. I’m only 206Lbs at the gym. I have to say I kind of like it. My midsection looks a lot better. I’m dieting very strict. Calories are low. My strength was fine on arms Tuesday. Today is some legs. I just popped 25mg dbol, 25mg tbol, and 20mg Cialis . I’m sure my weight will come up but if not I’m cool if the fat keeps dropping. The COVID DIET works for fat loss. 👍 hahaha 😝
P.S. there has to be some good that comes out of from feeling like dog shit for a month. 🐶 :poop:
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