SB Labs

First Cycle Training Log

Check out HRTdoctorsgroup .com

They have a map that shows all the states that it’s available in. I’d tell you the ones that don’t have it but I’m no geographer haha
Let us know how it goes! I saw 80 bucks for the appointment, which isnt half bad in my book.

Wonder if they can prescribe HGH? Probably not but that’d be cool haha
Bodyweight been consistently over 200 lbs. definitely gaining muscle, some body fat but not really noticeable.

Hit some PRs in the gym I haven’t hit since I was 17.
Squat:205 for 2 sets of 3
Bench: 185 for 2 sets of 3
DL: 265 for 2 sets of 3
Bent over DB row: 90lb for 5

Their was more to the workout but just wanted to include the PRs. I know I’m still probably lifting about 1/3 the weight a lot of you guys are, but I’m feeling really good about where I’m at and where I’m headed. Already putting a lot more weight on the bar than I was last week.

Also theirs a place about an hour and 45 mins away from me I can get a real blood test done, so hoping to try that this week.

Sex drive and mood definitely increased. Feeling confident and just all around better.
Skin seems a lot more oily, minor acne. Nipple sensitivity went down.

Just got blood drawn by a legit lab, should have those results in a few days.

Feel like i look much bigger. Weighing in at 200-205 steady.

Got 5 good pull ups with a 20lb dumbell, but other than that no new PRs to report.

Bodyweight seems to be 210 plus!?!? Heaviest I’ve ever been before

Was very depleted last work out, but managed to get the 205 squat for 5, and 265 deadlift for 5 (last week got only 3 reps) pull-up 4 reps with a 25 lb dumbell at a higher bodyweight. Feeling large and in charge boys!! Haha. (I know I’m still a novice, I’m not getting cocky… yet…)

Also got bloodwork to share, think my estrogen might be somewhat high, I’ll post it up later and tag a couple people if no one minds, also might make a separate post over in the SRx section, as that’s the sponsor I’m currently using.

Loving being on testosterone guys. My life is better. Not sure if I’ll ever want to come off! Haha

thank you to everyone here at UGmuscle :pray:t2:
Definitely! thank you! I’m not trying to move the log I just figured I might post the bloodwork on the log as well as the SRx section so anyone following the log doesn’t miss it and anyone researching SRx can see my results.

Is that alright or would it be slightly redundant for me to post it in two places? @Bigmurph
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There is actually an easier way if you want a link to be posted to your log from the srx category that would probably be the best way.
I would post your bloodwork post in the srx category and then I will link in your log so that anyone who checks your bloodwork can also go straight to your log and vise versa
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Hey guys I had to take some time for myself. Was sick for a week and got attacked by a couple guys at work the other day. One eye is swelled shut but nothing is really hurt except my pride. I’ll get around to posting that blood work soon. Sorry for the wait.
Haha thank you for the support. Its much appreciated. definitely stood ground best I could, I never back down, but sometimes you get lumped up, especially when you aren’t expecting it. Wasn’t the first time and probably won’t be the last. It’s all good though. Just the Universe, Karma, God, whatever you believe in, giving me a test, trying to make me stronger. That’s how I look at it
Ive had my ass handed to me more than a few times but I don’t back down no matter how many or who. I have 2 things in this world my balls and my word and I don’t allow either to get broken.

Now you can tell chicks that you kicked these guys ass and get some good loving because your eye hurts so bad lol

Well guys, I’ve been slacking hard for the passed couple weeks. I apologize. This is sort of becoming more of my diary than first cycle log haha.

I live in a northern state and am prone to depression, especially in the darker winter months. After getting smashed up a little bit I got extra depressed for awhile and soon after found out my GF has become pregnant with our second child. It’s still early so I can’t really tell anyone about it, and the stress of all this has been crushing down on me.

I started missing meals, which it’s really hard for me to get on a good eating schedule, and when I fuck up it takes awhile to bounce back. I don’t have a good digestive system. I stopped taking my supps, slacked test back to 150 mg a week, missed a few shots, generally stopped taking care of myself the way anyone should, let alone someone trying to grow.

I’m starting to feel a lot better now, gonna quit being a wimp and make myself stronger for myself and my family. I think we all, as men, think we can fight better than we really can. When that dream gets shattered by reality, it can hurt, and you’ve often gotta wear your failures on your face for the whole world to see.

This is gonna help me in the long term.

I’m gonna get back in the gym. Starting today. Going to shoot for approximately 3 days a week hitting full body heavy compounds. When I get off this forum I’m headed to lift.

I’m going to go to as many BJJ, karate and boxing classes as I can possibly make it to. Gonna make myself into a warrior whatever it takes.

As far as AAS goes, I’m thinking of keeping test at 2-300 and adding NPP or the longer ester. I really need some joint support as it is, especially gonna need it with all the extra training. Also considering DBol pre workout on lifting/training days. @Bigmurph any thoughts?

All input welcome