Been reading through the site for a few months now, figured I’d do my first post and introduce. I’m a 38 year old retired power lifter and former collegiate athlete (shot put, discus and Hammer). I’ve been lifting in some capacity or another for almost 25 years, it’s hard to beleive I was 14 when I started doing Bigger, Faster, Stronger with all the other guys in my freshman class for football. As a power lifter I competed in 198, 220 and 242, and even though I was always somewhat in shape, I never felt healthy. I got a little crazy with gear for a while chasing the dream of multiple times body weight lifts, and all I really have to show for it are a few decent lifts and a jacked up hip. These days I would just like to be healthy, so it’s kind of nice to thumb through all the topics here on the board and read about different training styles other than my old go tos for meet prep.