First VentroGluteal PIN (Left side)


USN - Retired
Staff member
Well, I just pinned (Test E) my first VG about 7 hours ago, this morning, on left side. I used the search on here, a million damn confusing pics online, and ended up just using what @SemperFi had stated for instructions on one of the threads.

-Feel for hip bone, then go about 2-3 inches below to what feels like a golf ball size, touching the protruding muscle when flexed.

I hope I pinned in right spot and that the spot is actually a larger area than a golf ball size, because my muscle feels a bit larger than a golf ball. A little pinch at first, cause dummy me tensed up and flexed when pin went in, but relaxed after, and the 25G 1” pushed fairly well. After about 7 hours, I can tell where I pinned due to just a tad bit of tightness and sitting at work, but nothing compared to pinning in my rear, where I definitely have gotten a bit of PIP from. All tolerable though, but wife says I take pain almost too well.

Again, I hope I hit close to dead center in the area.
Keep us posted , this is one spot I still have yet to pin because like you stated there are so many conflicting pics of it , so I just said to hell with it and stick to what I know lol
If you felt the muscle and pinned there I believe that you got it. Tomorrow mourning if you feel a sag of oil then you missed but it sounds like you are spot on.
Semper fi was a knowledgeable guy
Left VG muscle a few inches below the hip bone. Muscle is about the width of maybe 2 quarters when flexed and fairly bulgy for being smaller versus rear choices.

It feels a bit tender, like every IM shot I’ve gotten over the years, and like the ones in my rear. I am guessing any that possibly might have missed, will absorb via skin, like when it happens once in awhile with a shot in the backside??

I’ll keep y’all posted.
Well, two days later and I must have been successful, because ‘so far’ I have zero residual pain. It was a bit tight and just a little activating yesterday morning, but after some stairs, and a good leg day, woke up this morning feeling better than any rear pin I’ve ever had.

Not saying I’m an expert and won’t stress for a few seconds before doing right side next time, but if your fairly lean, that VG (aka hip muscle) sticks out pretty well.

You’re brave, for being able to pin your biceps and calves. Haven’t gotten that brave in my brain yet.
Im glad to hear that you did hit it. Its a great 2 extra pin points to add into your pinning rotation now. I have trouble with glutes myself because of the angle you need to achieve to push the plunger.
I enjoy pinning my legs in multiple places and my shoulders in multiple places. Biceps and calves I haven’t pinned either even chest pinning I stay away from lol
Good to hear. I love that spot. I’m still a rookie but I pinned it with ease the first time (not bragging, just was a lot easier than I was expecting). Just lay on your side and look for the triangle (pretty sure I read that tip here somewhere). No pip with anything I’ve tried.
Lol calves hurt but just few days feels like you really killed them in a workout lol
That’s the easiest way to pin laying down especially in the ventro area. The triangle is the correct technique also I believe that it is definitely easier to hit when you have a low bf% because you can easily find it but you can really find it easy using the method you talk about.
Thank you all for being so supportive with all of the few posts and questions I’ve had just in the short time I’ve been here. You’re probably right about being a virgin muscle, as fat as the slight pain went, but I guess I was lucky first time around and now know that it’s one of my go to options.
Sounds like you nailed it. I found that the VG was a little further back than I’d thought. Now that I can get it without trouble I use it regularly. Then again, I’m one of those folks who can’t seem to find a spot to pin on the quad that doesn’t hit a nerve and make me spasm…
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So, since finding where precisely to PIN via my VG’s, I was wondering if rotating just them each week is recommended, or should I be pinning elsewhere??

The only reason I ask, is because it’s almost no PIP versus glute and I’m not sure I’m ready to hit legs, or delts.
The more inj spots the better. I use atleast 4 spots to rotate for just 2 shots a week this will let the inj spot fully recover so that I don’t have any issues.
The thing about the vg also is that it isn’t a very big muscle so you have a better chance at hitting the same spot twice. I hate hitting glutes also because it is difficult for me to push the plunger but I think that shoulders and legs are the easiest especially with a good pin. Don’t go cheap get the BD there worth the extra money for the pins and barrels.
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