First VentroGluteal PIN (Left side)

Definitely took your @Bigmurph advice back when I asked which Brand and size to buy. I’ll have wife hit the upper flutes again and I will give the thighs a shot (no pun intended), so that they can build up some tolerance.
You got this just as you go keep adding inj sites that’s how I went about it you already hit the vg which most don’t even attempt so I think that you can hit other spots you just haven’t yet.
I do it at a slight angle into the side of the peak. Found it isn’t as sore as long. 1st time went dead center with a 1 inch. Couldn’t move my arm for a day. Wonder if I didn’t splint the heads lol.
I wish I could think like that but I take multiple shots a day so kinda have to utilize them. I want to do venteogluteal but without being able to really see it good I probably wont.
I hear you on that! Definitely do t want to try and pin something you don’t have good sight or feel on. That’s how I am on my own glutes, which is why my wife does that portion.

Have y’all had success with thigh and not felt a lot of residual pip and/or hitting blood vessels??
I have. A t first it had pip because it was a virgin muscle. Also, I was pinning while sitting. I found it doesn’t hurt bad if I hit dead center outer thigh while taking all the weight off the leg when standing. Way better than sitting.