SB Labs

FNG/ First Cycle

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Neuro said:
Unless you’re Stan Efferding.
Or this guy…KK…. Stan E and him swapped raw total world records for 275. Both of them were my favs. Followed them for decades. Unfortunately kk is dead. His day job was a high end bodyguard and it’s believed he met his demise performing those duties.
It looks like my #1 son has outdone himself. I completely agree with everything he said.

Some anecdotal advice… you and me are about the same size. I had a big chiropractor visit yesterday so I will be 5-10 for a couple weeks… I’ll be 5-9 after that… hahaha. I ate myself to 242 for my run at my all time pr’s before I got too old. I was mid 40’s. I was on straight cyp at 500mgs a week. I’d been on and off peds since 1984ish. Long before the internet. I turned in my best platform numbers at 600 squat and 460 bench…135 deadlift. Don’t remember exact because it was a fail in my mind. I wanted a 500 bench. I couldn’t carry that much weight naturally so I dropped back down to ~220 which I carried until recently. That was my natural walking around weight. Until medical problems have forced me to drop a bit more.

I digress… I pretty much stayed “on” for coming up on 40 years. These guys on here are waaaayyy more responsible than i was. We didn’t have the knowledge nor the resources to intelligently use peds/aas. For some reason I steered clear of the more toxic stuff like tren although I probably went overboard on dbol which is on my current no fly list.
It’ll be difficult to have a winning physique these days and maintain world class strength. The bb’s are taking this stuff to insane levels.
There’s a reason people specialize. Rule number one of training is specificity. You want size- Hypertrophy. You want strength- I don’t know what those guys do, eat a lot and pick up heavy stuff? Haha
Dan john put it this way… he was a world class thrower. Paraphrasing… my spin is 1.7 seconds…any exercise/training movements longer than that is useless to me.
I’ve read much of dan John’s stuff and his training and eating was insane. Talk about specificity…as a thrower…that dude put away some chow. But he’s smart… he’s my age now and has adjusted accordingly.
Honestly I don’t understand a bunch of this crap. @Dirtnasty got called for some really nitpicking crap last time he was on the platform and @PHD got graded down for some crappy stuff at his last show.

I get frustrated and I’m on the porch as a spectator.

Please don’t be a stranger. You’re getting ready to step off into a lifelong endeavor.

Read…question…read…question. Everyone is different so you may find one little thing that works excellent for you or something your body doesn’t tolerate. Posting here helps everyone understand and you will be helping others.
Personal logs are my favorite part of this forum. Very insightful for all concerned.

I (immensely) enjoy watching you guys flourish. I’m a good cheerleader. Think old man on the sidelines.
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