SB Labs

Forrest i wanna go home

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I know im literally looking and researching to see if I can find something to help our boy out im not coming up with much the people that also have this condition say that nothing helps but some talk about marijuana helping and then the studies on psilocybin are all I can find besides painmeds that don’t work for @Cluster.
Yes in other countries there having great results with ptsd and cluster headaches and many other things its amazing because all the drugs that have been held back from pharma companies and the public are now being studied and are releasing massive amounts of benefits to soon be realized
I don’t like our FDA. They won’t approve peanut protein therapy for kids that are allergic. It’s working great in Europe. But here we pay $800 for
An epipen. Sometimes my daughter needs to use two epipen a. That’s $1600 per reaction. Why would they want that to go away. FDA and Parma in bed together

That great news about the mushrooms cause that can be like a home remedy. @Bigmurph
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You’re right. They just legalized mushrooms in Oregon. They are very effective at treating depression and anxiety. Especially those with terminal illnesses like cancer it’s helping to alleviate anxiety and fear of death
Im big on letting alot of illegal drugs become legal with the right restrictions.
Im not exactly sure what oregon has done yet I need to read about it but it sounds like its a free for all from what ive been reading. I don’t believe that its a good idea if its just a free for all.
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Just decriminalization of hard drugs allows the cartels to actually super produce the drugs in America now I bet that the Hispanic population of Oregon explodes not being racist either its just there territory. They will be growing poppies out in the middle of no where and also if they can im not sure if they will grow in there mountains but coca leaves also can you imagine.
People start showing up at hospitals freaking out and they don’t pay there bills which gives you and your family shit medical care plus you will get crime no matter what drugs come around. You will have people driving and killing themselves or others.
Me or you no problems but there’s so many stupid people that they will always mess things up
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I think it should be legalized so they can actually tell what is what. People will use no matter what so make it as safe as possible. In fact making it legal will lessen use as the illegal part attracts a lot of people to use
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