SB Labs

Forrest i wanna go home

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Even at 18 in America everyone was able to handle it then when it went to 21 now 18yr olds aren’t drinking with there families for the first time and go way overboard because they have no idea what they are doing when they start in college and they end up getting rapped by scumbags and shit

You’re a 100% right
When you have to hide it you tend to drink or use what ever you have at the time. When I was back home and open with coke use I def did less than when trying to hide it from people funny how that works
Yeah we are,but I wonder sometimes, life goes on either way, we’re all expendable, sometimes it’s boring, like was all I was ment for to be married, be a father to a kid whose not mine, to work all the time
That’s alot better of a story brother than I hear from most its one of the reasons that I have respect for you most men wouldn’t which doesn’t make sense to me but everyone is there own person.
To work all the time sucks but it’s the system and its required by the system
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