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Forum Rules Nov-'18 old

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Ha ha so Murph answered his mail and yet he asks the same question on here
He did the correct thing contacting here and then getting my contact information. He didn’t have my email until I sent it his way.
He is new but were in contact and he could very well become a sponsor if they pass verification process.
At any one time there’s usually atleast 3 trying to become a sponsor at ugmuscle. They tell me that wd have a good reputation in the community. Im glad that we get so many trying to become sponsors but only the best make it to a category.
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Rules 2021 for Read Before Posting Forum News & Rules
Here are the Rules for our community. Please read them very carefully: RESPECT each member on this forum like the way you would like to be respected. Remind yourself that we each work extremely hard in building ourselves physically, emotionally, and most of all, mentally. We, including yourself, are here on this forum for knowledge and guidance. Do not post ASKING where to get any compound legal or illegal. This is for your protection as well as the rest of the community. This is to avoid …
I had to close this one because it was ranking higher than the updated version.
This is actually the rules for this year basically the same as last I believe that there might be an update or 2
Rules 2021 for Read Before Posting Forum News & Rules
Here are the Rules for our community. Please read them very carefully: RESPECT each member on this forum like the way you would like to be respected. Remind yourself that we each work extremely hard in building ourselves physically, emotionally, and most of all, mentally. We, including yourself, are here on this forum for knowledge and guidance. Do not post ASKING where to get any compound legal or illegal. This is for your protection as well as the rest of the community. This is to avoid …
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