Fucking Divorce Sucks

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In the Great Welfare State of Massachusetts. Half of everything including SS is where you start. If a woman is found to be in a disadvantage she can get more. Judges discretion. Child support goes until 23 as long as the child is not working full time and is taking some classes. Alimony starts when child support ends. Mine gets 10 years of alimony for 14 years of marriage. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been separated for either. Even with separate accounts you still split $. You also have to maintain health insurance on your spouse until she gets her own or remarries. Life insurance policy is also required until child support obligation has ended.
I can only imagine it kills me to fight with my wife because I get so aggregated and love her so much.
Especially if you still love your wife this is definitely not an easy thing I come from the perspective of my parents divorce and it was nasty. My father truly still has nothing and my mother lives very nice.
If there’s a chance to save the relationship I would go that route. Im not sure exactly what caused it but the last year and a half have been brutal on relationships so possibly with covid hopefully wrapping up maybe some things can get better?
Hang in there. I’ve been in some break ups in my time. Some that I couldn’t even fathom. But in the end, everything happens for a reason. Yeah I know. What a fucking cliche thing to say, but it’s true. It won’t be tomorrow. Not next week. Maybe not even next year. But there will be a point where you realize why it happened and you will be relieved. And happier for it
If a woman just decided one day she wants to be “free” and go have fun why wouldn’t she. She has a mid life crisis and wonders what could be What would stop her if she knows her husband is paying for the amusement park ticket. All this shit needs to end. This isn’t the 50s. Women want to be treated equally and they are in almost every aspect of our culture except the court room. They wonder why divorce rates are so high. They can have their cake and eat it too.
I agree. Paid vacation lol. Seriously though, I understand the need for child support but I don’t understand alimony? If I was a Rockafeller I can see having to maintain your extravagant ways but for the average guy it can be rough. I mean if she can work why does she need alimony?
Jlee, thats awesome to know about massachusetts. Glad im doing it here where i am at, than wait till im there. But its looking like im still going to the cleaners.
That sucks. In MA, it’s like years in a union. You get X amount of time per year of marriage. As far as dollar amount it’s basically the same as child support. No more then 28% before taxes. I know for 14 years of marriage it’s almost 10 years of alimony. On the bright side it can run concurrent with child support.
Funny story kind of… my best buddy separated and divorced his wife of 30 years recently. He too gave up the farm. I’m friends with his wife also just because she was his wife. I always thought she was a B.

I was chatting with one of her friends a while back in the store and I knew whatever I said to her would get back to my buddies ex.

I told her “W must of been the biggest B in the world to live with…S is paying a fortune to get rid of her”. Hahaha
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