I’m still young so sometimes it’s hard for me to think about 20 years from now, I think that’s beneficial if you can but then there’s like 25% of my thoughts that are like I just wanna live in the moment definitely a mental struggle for me anyways
Thank you for all that advice!! I do have a good base and am in good shape. I’m pretty typical probably when it comes to the ebbs and flows of my routine and diet. I’m good but work a lot so it doesn’t take much to get behind on meal prepping or missing a workout but I fell like I do pretty good compared to people around me. All the advice I’ve been getting on here is exactly what I’ve been looking for.
Pinning is a little aggravating. Some folks like it… some don’t…some tolerant it as a necessary evil/chore. I don’t particularly care for it. Just another chore…getting a bit old.
When I say that I mean stopping thinking about just the next cycle, and think about to how stay in the game
Long term.
The reason we cycle/blast in cruise is bc most people run doses that are too dangerous or toxic to last longer than 12 weeks.
One of the habits of highly successful people is beginning with the end in mind. What do you want from this? What does realistic success look like? In the AAS game the end goal of being a super human jacked 60 year old who outshines 99% of people half his age, the kind of dude who you only realize after the fact that he’s an “old guy” (@Poppy )
That doesn’t happen taking reckless doses and just thinking next cycle. See previous post. Arnold didn’t gain 50lbs in 4 years. And guys put on 50in a year and swear they are being healthy.
So I move around for work and currently will be moving in a month or two. It’s always a pretty sudden thing so planning is sometimes hard. Should I wait to get somewhere stable so I can find a dr or do you think the at home labs would be just as good for me if I learned how to read them? I do have insurance if that would sway your opinion one way or the other
Having never done it before my thought is that it won’t bother me too much if at all. I can handle pain pretty well and a moment of uncomfortable isn’t something I’d shy away from if it meant obtaining my goals. It would just be me learning the proper way.
You’ll get good at that too. Then for no apparent reason you’ll get a pin that’ll hurt like hell and swell up and all that… it’ll go away just like that.
After some years of going back and forth on this and recently deciding it was something I wanted to do. I met a guy that turned me on to a source and gave me his advice. While looking into his recommendations I stumbled on this platform. Very glad I found this. I was about ready to pull the trigger on what may have been something completely wrong for me. It’s been a reminder to not rush it.
Your in good hands trust me. These are the same guys who helped me out when I started TRT two years ago. My cholesterol got outta hand they had advice of natural ways to deal with it and gave advice that I should dump my cycle until I got it under control. Same thing with blood pressure. A lot of natural ways to deal with that. Plus the telemestartin @NeuroRN always preaches about. Helped me stay healthy. Compounds affect everyone different so your gonna have to play around with stuff and see what works for you. Some guys love fast acting esters. They almost always give me PIP so I rarely ever use them cause it takes the fun out of it. Where not making a living from this so if it’s not fun why bother!!!
A lot of us here have that attitude. Certain stuff we just won’t take cause it’s not fun. Night sweats, high bp, bad attitudes, bloating. Why deal with that crap if you don’t have too. Follow their advice and you will reach your goals. Maybe not on your timeline but you will reach them and have fun doing it.
Thank you for your input. I agree 100%. I’m doing this for me and definitely don’t want to take the fun out of the gym and or life in general. I’m looking forward to the journey now that I feel I have a good source of correct information.
Just got back from a vacation. Whenever I go on vacation like that Unless I have access to a gym at my hotel I just do calisthenics to keep my body engaged and at least do something. I got back in the gym yesterday and have a drs appointment next Wednesday to get my test levels checked. I got that app you told me about so I’m in the process of getting my macros in order. I want all that in line by the time I get my results back. I never tried progressive overload so I started incorporating that in my routine this week.
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