SB Labs

Gear Church blood work


Well-known member
As some of you may know I’ve been running Gear Church products since late October. I got blood work on their Test E 250 back in November but since they are new here and there isn’t much info posted from members yet, I figured I would post the results for the board to see.

Test E 250 running 300mg a week during the time I got bloods. I always get blood work for every sponsor I use. I get bloods on the 4th week, 48hrs after the first pin of that week. If I’m running a long ester, it’s a split dose between Monday morning and Thursday evening. I’m very consistent when it comes to getting blood work because I know how important it is for my own records and for the source. Also to note, I was using GC liquid Arimadex at .5mg 2x a week and my estradiol stayed exactly where I normally see it on all doses mentioned here.

As promised I have a new set of bloods for Gear Church. After my last blast I continued to use his Test E 250 for my TRT.

Pinning 200mg a week split dose at 100mg Monday and Thursday. Bloods were taken 36 hours after pin but still fall in line with what I have seen from @GearChurch. Nice work. The first blood test was right at 48 hours after pin and showed the math at 5.2 times the test dose for the week. These were slightly higher at about 5.65 times the dose with 36 hours after pin. That falls right in line and I’m happy with the results.

To note, as I know I will be asked. I intentionally tanked my Estradiol. I’m starting Trestalone today and wanted to have my Estradiol as low as possible to see how much it aromatises and how quickly. Gear Church Aromasin is no joke. I wasn’t using an AI except Aromasin every few weeks. In the last 2 weeks I took 2 doses of 10mg Aromasin and 2 doses of Arimadex at .5mg and tanked. The weird thing is that I still feel great! Libido is good, mood is good, still rockin out day to day, no anger either.
As some of you may know I’ve been running Gear Church products since late October. I got blood work on their Test E 250 back in November but since they are new here and there isn’t much info posted from members yet, I figured I would post the results for the board to see.

Test E 250 running 300mg a week during the time I got bloods. I always get blood work for every sponsor I use. I get bloods on the 4th week, 48hrs after the first pin of that week. If I’m running a long ester, it’s a split dose between Monday morning and Thursday evening. I’m very consistent when it comes to getting blood work because I know how important it is for my own records and for the source. Also to note, I was using GC liquid Arimadex at .5mg 2x a week and my estradiol stayed exactly where I normally see it on all doses mentioned here.

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Here's my most recent bloods. On gearchurch.