Geek's Show Me the Money Cut/Maintain


Went up on chest supported rows. Got a hella lot more reps on forearms too. Gonna got HIIT it now
Poppy said:
You’ve been going up on several lifts. What do you attribute that to, maybe normal strength gains?
When I programmed this template, I wanted the reps to come out in the 20-30 rep range for the first week. This was so that I would wind up doing in the 10-15 range on the final week of the meso for most sets. So the weights were on the light side in the first place. Then you add in the effects of muscle memory, the fact that I was largely sedentary for the last month and that when you periodize there tends to be an adjustment period for the first week or so where you are weaker because you just deloaded. All of those things combined means weights will probably spring up a bit this week. I don’t anticipate this will happen again — volume and intensity is gonna be real brutal starting next week. And I plan on using these weights going forward with my next mesocycle.
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@Poppy i should also add, when I’ve run meso cycles like these before, I often had to reduce weights on the final two weeks of the meso because the sets were getting too difficult. So I’m trying to head that off and get bigger pumps in the first couple of weeks.
I’ve been getting a pump from my new job I’ve notieced ky delts seem to have grown the past two weeks. Chest day has a nice pre exhaust going I’m sticking in the 8-15 rep range I get baord after 20 and stop counting haha

Progress Report​


Less than 4 lbs away from goal in only two weeks. Not bad! That said, I knew goal was going to be easy to hit cuz that’s where I ended my last cut and most of the weight was unfortunately put back on during maintenance. So hopefully in a week or so the real cut begins.

Monday is Labor Day and my gym is closed. I’ve opted to skip this first chest day this week and resume my program with back day on Tuesday. This way the only hit I’ll take is that my set progression on chest will be one set behind the other training days. I’d much rather do that then have my training days misaligned.

Activity is good and HIIT twice a week is doing its job. Gonna keep up the current intensity and step counts in the cardio department to see where this goes and then hike the intensity on HIIT next mesocycle.


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