General thoughts on clem


New member
curious on others opinion on taking clen for just a little extra help cuttin being fairly new The one that helped with the knowledge I have. Mentioned something else stating clem is just speed…not really sure what way to go. Im strictly test now!
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I prefer ephedrine hcl but Clenbuterol is the stronger option.
Its tough on your heart so be careful with dosing and check your blood pressure regularly.

Welcome to ugmuscle brother glad to have you around
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I’m assuming you mean Clenbuterol. I ran it for a while. It wasn’t really that special, made me feel like shit, and an extra 30 minutes cardio achieved the same results without keeping me up every night and making me a sweaty/shaky mess.

I’d advise just doing more cardio and skipping clen altogether, personally.
God the fucking cramps though. A couple nights ago I got one in my calves so bad that I sat there massaging them for 15 minutes just so I could get up to go eat some fucking bananas. After that, the fact I hadn’t slept in a day, and that I felt shaky and sick all the time I dumped what was rest of my clen and said “fuck it I’ll just increase my cardio”. Never again. I’d consider an ECA stack if it was legal to get without prescription where I live tho.
I would only use clen precontest. The cramping and dehydration makes the body too injury prone to use for long. HGH is a better way to get lean while growing IMO.
Right on well lil info …at age 33 found out I had low t …level was only 90…it was a hassle going every other week for treatment though … Huge difference getting on test …helped get me motivated to gym as well
Love hate Clen it works. Definitely wouldn’t do it unless I’m in prep for a show. I’m up to 120mcg of pharma grade. I hate the edgy feeling I get on it like nervous almost but just part of process.