SB Labs

Genotropin Refills and help :)


Well-known member
Please excuse my ignorance and probably a lot of dumb questions on GH. It’s my first time using it. I plane to get thins 36iu genotropin pen.


My friend who has connections at a pharmacy says she can get this refill cartridge?


I’m not sure if I can put the 12mg which is the 36iu refill cartridge into the 36iu pen after I finish one of the pen.

And I’m confused on the needle I need to buy. Can anyone recommend which type to get. How many mm length and size do I need?
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I’m not sure how the gh pens are configured.

I know the different strength ozempic pens use the same strength semaglutide and the pens just pump more fluid into tour body.

The needles are incredibly tiny and screw on the end for one use only. You can’t get the cap back on the pen with a needle on. I have reused my needles before when half dosing. I rinse in them in alcohol prior to second use.

The ozempic pens are non reusable.

Maybe someone with gh experience will chime in.
What’s the cost of your friends hookup compared to generics? These days unless you’ve got unlimited funds there’s very few reasons to be going with pharma. You can get A LOT more bang for your buck with generics.
My source can get me this brand

Growth Hormone GenexTropin 10 vialsx10iu (with bacwater)=£125 per box

For 100iu for 125 GBP

The genotropin is 160 for 36iu

My understanding is that pharma is going to be more accurate and 2iu can be like 3-4iu of UG brands.

What do you think? I don’t mind paying for the genotropin if it’s the good stuff.
From what I’ve been told (I’ll be the first to admit I’ve never used pharma GH) unless you got big cash flow and you’re going into the final stage ready days… there’s no real difference between the two.
Years back 10+ or so it definitely was a big difference. Now demand is up and supply had to meet quality or get left behind. Plenty of good sources selling good GH and from my testing very close to pharma.

The other side you have is a lot of fake pharma gear. I couldnt understand how I was getting straight from pharmacy for X price and some supplier was selling same name product for half the price lol. And that was in a low cost eastern europe country.

Really with GH, find a good source, test your bloods and you’ll see where the best value for the dollar is.
Man there’s 40year old housewife’s talking about “the provider black tops” on peptide forums now. The demand is so high, it’s driven quality up and price down. It’s no longer run as much GH as you can afford, but how much you can stockpile and tolerate.
Just remember “,Jumbo and that whole East coast crew that did all the fake saizen and drawing stuff out, replacing with junk.” The good ol days 😁. Is Janoshik reliable? I just thought that lab should go public years ago, if it’s on up and up
Ived said before, I really felt (puffy, strong) Protropin 192aa. I guess there was a lot of antibodies made in most that inhibited It.
With you posting this I was actually just looking into getting pen to make the insulin injections I plan on doing easier