Give me wings so I can fly

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From my knowledge anything over a month for tren is pushing it. Tren a or e? And how long have you been on the test c already… @Brock82
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I’ve been on Test C for about 5 months. A TRT dose. So super low. And calculating how long I will be on the Tren that I just got, it’s only about a month or maybe 6 weeks anyway. So yeah that falls right in line. I don’t plan on stopping the Test after the Tren and Mast are gone though. It will be time for a lab test in a few months anyway to figure out how my testosterone levels are too.
Ace at 200 pw around 6wks sounds good. Let me know how you like that mast… I’ll be running it at the end of my cycle for the first time a lot of people like it…
I definitely will. I posted a before picture of myself in another post I created. It’s titled touchdown baby! Not as massive as you though. But it will give you a good idea of how the two worked out at the end of 6 weeks when I post results.
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Bro i looked like that sid guy before… Dont stress it… Stay true to your diet and work out… pinning is the easy part… Dudes on here 10 x’s more massive than me…but thank you for the compliment sir…
Really try to put your “head” in your Lats when doing your back movements. Pull downs and pull ups are going to target your lats well of course but you can do your rowing movements a little differently to get more lat activation. Usually like a row to a lower point on your stomach Will get more lats for me. Ex a dumbell row to your hip will target the part of your back your talking about more then a row too your chest which will activate your upper back and rhomboids. I currently have to other problem, width of my back is good but I’m working on that thiccccnesss
Very strict, high-volume crocs make my lats swole.
Bend way over, pull with your elbow, and try to put the dumbbell in your back pocket.
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I’ve started to do my lay pull downs with individual handles so I can pull down to as far as my body will allow
I hurt myself bad doing bent over rows. Ruptured a disc. Was the worst feeling ever I instantly collapsed to the ground & within a couple hours everything back there was seized up stiff. Went right in to medical for several back injections. Thing is, I’ve done them bf a hundred times in the last 12 months probably. It was my warmup set too, only 115lbs. Terrified to do them again now even light weight. My doc is a lifter, pretty solid dude said, to stay away from them. They are number one for back injuries & overhead shoulder press number one for shoulder/rotator cuff tear injuries.
I felt like a failure if I didn’t do reverse bent rows like Dorian. Had to do DB inclined, DB presses, behind the neck press man paying for it now along with everyone else that trained like yates.
Even if your runnin the acetate version a month running it you won’t peak out 30 days isn’t long, and if was using E a month would be pointless
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