Got my bloodwork done! Tell me if there’s anything I should be concerned about lol

Yeahhhhh sorry buddy. You’re gonna wanna press pause on that cycle. And by that I mean… don’t run any gear.
  1. Your test is kinda low, so that would help feel better.
  2. You have elevated liver enzymes.
  3. You have elevated BUN.
  4. You have close to dangerously high potassium.
Liver enzymes, may be the cause of the kidney filtration trouble leading to the high potassium. However, I would do NOTHING until I saw a doctor.

You run gear, and push those numbers up, that potassium is already very high, it will be dangerously high very quickly. High potassium leads to all sorts of lovely cardiac troubles. This is not a run the gear and hope for the best scenario right now.
Damn… well I’m glad I got on here to ask! And I’m glad I took everyone’s advice and went the safe route by doing bloodwork first! What do you think the docs will say? Also I appreciate the advice! This is by far the greatest place ever :muscle:t3:
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I mean I always try to go hard at the gym lol and no I didn’t workout before the test. I went the day before tho.
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Pushing hard in the gym the day before will throw off your levels…it took me years to figure that out…the renal side especially.
So I’m not supposed to workout the day before? Lol also idk what renal means 😂:man_shrugging:t3:
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Renal is kidney stuff. And yes heavy weight training the day before a fasted blood panel will skew results…to the bad side.
Yeah ima def listen! That’s why I got it done anyways cause you guys are so helpful and said it needed to be done before I started! I always take peoples advice especially when there trying to help me and look out for me like you guys do here for others! It’s awesome!
I remember. Well my opinion is…you’ve come a very long way and showed extreme resolve. Soooo why shortcut it now. You’re still very young and waiting another month or so won’t be the end of the world. Go ahead and get your stash together…get your labs straight then pull the trigger.

You got insurance?