Hazardous injury

I did prison and the street not a good fit for me lol I lost everything down to a pair of clothes. The real you isn’t left your right about that it took me years to come back to me.

I wish you the best keep us updated brother im interested in all this especially since I have sciatic issues evolving I guess you can say
Sounds like you have a pretty incredible life story brother. I’m glad you found your “rock bottom” before it was the grave.

I will definitely keep you up to date. I will go to the hospital tomorrow and ask for copies of them, and if they do not produce them I will ask them for the department heads email address. You are correct about a paper trail? Without it, you have nothing.1
Sorry for the delayed reply guys. We finally made a little progress.

So the Myelogram apparently was the right call-even though I have raised hell about it. I have a surgery date the first week of July. It was obvious the neurosurgeon had not seen or reviewed my results until we sat down in his office. He went through a few of the pictures on the big screen and explained them and the procedure he recommended… then he stopped, flipped a few sides pretty quick, then back, then forward again… he finally stopped and said “Buddy, you have a broken back.”

I was speechless. He saw the look of panic I guess and spoke up real fast and said not to worry-that the broken portion would be replaced with rods and screws anyway. That leads to the final part of the update:

July 7 (sooner if an opening comes up) he will make an 8 inch incision on my back and do a 360° Replacement of the L5-S1 and anchor it into my hip. 3 day hospital stay primarily to “control pain.” The screws he showed me he would be using are fucking huge, but he said 6-8 weeks of wearing a back brace and then therapy but that once completely healed I should have full range of motion.

I hope he’s right.
That is about the most serious surgery one can have at L5/S1. I’m not a praying man, but I promise you, I will be thinking about you nonstop and hoping for the best. Everything in life can be ruined by a painful bad back. If this works to alleviate your pain and give you full ROM, I will be delighted. Please do keep us posted, brother, and best of luck with everything.
If we don’t here from you before surgery then good luck and speedy recovery. I’m glad to hear youve got this BS resolved and the hospital is finally going help you! Keep us posted
No doubt brother becareful with the pain pills that’s exactly how I became a scumbag addict because of doctors prescribing pain killers.

I thought that you were in already but July 7th is now book marked and I set a reminder I will hit you up the day after and then when you’re good let us know brother.

I wish you the best
Good luck bud. Keep moving and do whatever exercises you can to stay strong. I just prepped a lady for fusion surgery and the doc commented on how strong she was going into surgery. It all makes a diff so keep pushing as best you csn
Hey brother, surgery didn’t go yet. I got 10 hours from time to report to the hospital, and my doctors office called to let me know insurance had denied a portion of the surgery that he thought maybe needed but wouldn’t know elm until he got into my back. They thought they could solve it or stick with a peer to peer review, but my nuerosurgeon refused to talk to the foreign dermatologist that the insurance co provided.

It’s insane. Our company is self insured and nowhere close to being anywhere near UMH having to fork over funds for shit. Fucking horrible luck.

Fingers are crossed that August 11 works out, which is the tentative date. Until then, they just shovel more and more pain pills. It’s a joke.

Thanks for checking on me.
That’s bullshit I’ve been struggling with medical also and they should cover and a doctor should never deny anything even talking to another doctor.

10hrs wish you the best looking forward to hearing that your healing up brother
