Sorry for the delayed reply guys. We finally made a little progress.
So the Myelogram apparently was the right call-even though I have raised hell about it. I have a surgery date the first week of July. It was obvious the neurosurgeon had not seen or reviewed my results until we sat down in his office. He went through a few of the pictures on the big screen and explained them and the procedure he recommended… then he stopped, flipped a few sides pretty quick, then back, then forward again… he finally stopped and said “Buddy, you have a broken back.”
I was speechless. He saw the look of panic I guess and spoke up real fast and said not to worry-that the broken portion would be replaced with rods and screws anyway. That leads to the final part of the update:
July 7 (sooner if an opening comes up) he will make an 8 inch incision on my back and do a 360° Replacement of the L5-S1 and anchor it into my hip. 3 day hospital stay primarily to “control pain.” The screws he showed me he would be using are fucking huge, but he said 6-8 weeks of wearing a back brace and then therapy but that once completely healed I should have full range of motion.
I hope he’s right.