Hazardous injury

That’s BULL CRAP!!!

As an older guy… my wife too… we carry our meds in a “pill box”. NOT the original bottles. Wife is pretty good about doing her meds for the week. I’m a daily guy in my lunch bucket.

Possession because you don’t have your meds in the original bottle is bs! The local drug stores have all kinds of different carriers for meds.
That’s not illegal at all I do the same thing with my medication should have told the cop to call your pharmacy I mean most even have apps and you can show them the updated prescription but also your allowed to carry medication in any bottle that isn’t a year old fuck them don’t sign away your rights to a speedy trial. Bring the evidence go to trial and then sue for them falsely imprisonment.

I would be pissed if you really were allowed to have those exact pills smh
Took a lawyer friend of mine with me to initial appearance today and he told me not to worry about it and that it would be dismissed. He entered a NG plea and we are gonna beat the bastard in court, if he even shows up.