SB Labs

HCG on cycle questions


Well-known member
I’m currently running npp and test p at 100 eod

I have 3 questions

How should I incorporate HCG into my cycle?

Should I run it the entire duration of my current* cycle?

Does any one have any experience with women using it for fertility purposes?

Also if the is a non confusing reference guide on HCG please link it below.
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Are you coaching people and having them use stuff you don’t know how to use? Curious because you reference your client?
That should be current not client, my bad texting and driving.

I was like client what the hell is this guy talking about

I use a super cheap Android, I don’t coach I just guinea pig myself.

For example usually use tren a, but now I’m using npp this cycle.

I’m interested in HCG for fertility really, and I’ve found a ton of info an clomid, but mixed info on hcg
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😂😂😂😂 ok that makes more sense. Honesty if using prob no need to run hcg imo unless you want to Have a huge load and have your balls hang low lol.
Uh I definitely want the huge loads, I only have the neat ( non exercise activity ) of being an at home pornstar to hold me over during this “crisis”

What should my protocol be to last me til this flu thing is over