HGH dosing for injury/surgery recovery


Well-known member
Hey guys, I have some general questions about HGH for injury recovery after surgery. I recently underwent an Achilles tendon reconstruction. I’ve seen various dosing regimens for reducing recovery time. Anywhere from 2iu-5iu per day. If anyone has any experience or knowledge on the subject it would be greatly appreciated. I’m 44 years old and currently on a trt regime of 100mg test cyp Monday and Thursday. I weigh 164lbs at a height of 5’7. Muscular build and relatively lean at prob 12% BF. I can get HGH Genevatropin 120iu Kits whenever I want to start. I’m aiming to begin when I start physiotherapy in 3-4 weeks. Thanks for your time guys. It’s greatly appreciated.
Never used HGH,can’t help you there,but there are other options to look into for healing that may be better and cheaper,one is BPC-157 I personally have heard great success stories about it here on the forum for healing injuries.
I, unfortunately, had a bad reaction to UG HGH but your experience may differ with Pharma grade.

I would start at 2iu a day split into morning and before bed and titrate up to 4iu.
Keep an eye on prolactin levels.
Reduce your dose if your extremities start to tingle and/or swell uncomfortably.
Use in conjuction with BPC-157 and TB-500.

These will help keep swelling down, increase blood flow, and promote healing/recovery.
No magic tho…and the rehab will still be hard and the strength (re)gains slow.
As for the BPC-157 and TB-500, I’m assuming these are peptides? I’ll do some searching and try to figure out more about them. Thanks for the replies tho guys. Much respect.
They they speed the recovery process up so it’s yoy natural healing on steroids ahha
TB-500, I did 2mg subcutaneously twice a week. It works very well systemically.
BPC-157, I found to work best locally administered at the wound site at 250-500mcg daily.
These two peptides work synergistically.
HGH at 2-3Ius subcutaneously is plenty to speed up healing.
BPC-157 actually is synergistic with HGH.

Pentadecapeptide BPC 157 enhances the growth hormone receptor expression in tendon fibroblasts

Chung-Hsun Chang et al. Molecules. 2014.


BPC 157, a pentadecapeptide derived from human gastric juice, has been demonstrated to promote the healing of different tissues, including skin, muscle, bone, ligament and tendon in many animal studies. However, the underlying mechanism has not been fully clarified. The present study aimed to explore the effect of BPC 157 on tendon fibroblasts isolated from Achilles tendon of male Sprague-Dawley rat. From the result of cDNA microarray analysis, growth hormone receptor was revealed as one of the most abundantly up-regulated genes in tendon fibroblasts by BPC 157. BPC 157 dose- and time-dependently increased the expression of growth hormone receptor in tendon fibroblasts at both the mRNA and protein levels as measured by RT/real-time PCR and Western blot, respectively. The addition of growth hormone to BPC 157-treated tendon fibroblasts dose- and time-dependently increased the cell proliferation as determined by MTT assay and PCNA expression by RT/real-time PCR. Janus kinase 2, the downstream signal pathway of growth hormone receptor, was activated time-dependently by stimulating the BPC 157-treated tendon fibroblasts with growth hormone. In conclusion, the BPC 157-induced increase of growth hormone receptor in tendon fibroblasts may potentiate the proliferation-promoting effect of growth hormone and contribute to the healing of tendon.
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I’m starting down the path of the same homework my friend. Jay Campbell (the author of tot) has learning modules available for purchase at ~$250. I’m very seriously considering purchasing this. He is one of the no bs health enhancement guys and always provides references to make his point and ones that counter his point. From what I’ve seen in his “tot bible” he has done his homework to Nth degree.

I will hit you back if/when I pull the trigger. I just wished it was all in one book rather than weekly learning modules. Marketing ploy i guess to justify the 250 bucks.
You’re like the dude on the insurance commercials…you’ve seen a thing or two so you know a thing or two.