HGH dosing for injury/surgery recovery

I’ve actually read the definitive testosterone replacement therapy manual by Jay Campbell and testosterone replacement therapy by John Crisler as well. Currently reading growth hormone made easy. I don’t lack in the research department I just personally like to read information and get opinions of those on this site. Information on peptides isn’t as easy to find though.
Imma just repost this healing protocol I originally posted before I was diagnosed with IT band syndrome. This is the “official” TeamEvilGSP healing protocol. I hope you find it useful

weeks 1-10 – low volume & low-intensity training
• weeks 1-10 – high carbohydrate diet (high glycemic carbohydrates)
• weeks 1-10 – Sports TRT at the top of the range (3mg/kg)
• weeks 1-10 – Metformin 500mg/day
• weeks 1-10 – 4IU of GH before bed
• weeks 1-10 – insulin (Lantus 5IU 1x/day or R insulin 5IU 2-3x/day or rapid/log insulin 5IU 3-4x/day)
• weeks 1-10 – TB-500 – 500mcg once a week
• weeks 4-7 – BPC-157 2mcg/kg every day or 250mcg every day
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I’ve heard great things with about BPC, by itself,I truly don’t believe he needs all that for his injury.
I think I’m going to move forward with the HGH at 2iu per day and possibly titrate up to 3iu if I’m feeling good. I’m also going to add in the BPC as well as I’ve read alot of good things about it. I appreciate all the replies they are greatly appreciated. Onwards and upwards!!!
No it’s not necessary,but starting low and work your way up also means starting the least amount of things and seeing what works,there’s no way to know what works using a bunch of things at once.
I keep forgetting to buy oing acting for just help
With food intake take small amount for help def going to get it before next mass phase
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