HGH dosing for injury/surgery recovery

To me insulin is only necessary for advance body builders who intake so much food there pancreas can’t produce enough insulin to keep up. Other then that our pancreas should be better at figuring out how much we need then we are.
Unless I’m missing something I don’t see why injecting it exogenously is better then just letting your pancreas figure it out. I could very well be missing something though.
Again if you’re intaking so many calories your pancrease can’t produce enough fast enough that’s totally different.
There’s more of it? Same reasoning we use for every other compound we put in our body: More growth hormone equals more goodies from that, more testosterone/steroids equals more goodies from that, etc etc.

We’re not building a trike here – we need some serious tools to make huge gains. More insulin in the body equals more ability to break down carbs, more weight loss and in a surplus, more weight gain, better recovery.

You could apply this statement to basically compound talked about on this forum. Why take testosterone? Why not just let the testicles sort it out?
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Where I think the real resistance to this is that people are literally scared to death of insulin because of speculation about bodybuilders dying from it. It’s like when the media reports on a shooting – it’s the most important thing in the world because someone reported on it. Millions of diabetics use it safely every day. It’s really not a huge deal as long as you’re not a moron
It not at all the same as taking testosterone or the other compounds. If you have too much insulin in your body you’ll die. If you went and shot 2 grams of test right now we’d still here from you tomorrow. If you shoot 100iu of insulin you’d be pushing up daisies.
Taking insulin when your body can produce enough of its own to me is kind of like taking enough test to bring your levels to a natural level your body could product on its own.

Again unless I’m missing something.
Thats true! It can be acutely dangerous if taken in too high a dose or if you don’t know what you’re doing, but lots of things can be. But just because it’s dangerous if you take too much sounds suspiciously like fear to me. To this I say, “If you can’t handle the heat, get out of the kitchen.”
I would encourage you to read up on it then. Sounds like you have quite an information gap on how insulin works in the body and how it’s useful for both cutting and bulking.
Stuff that insulin breaks down into is primarily what we want it for when we’re healing or bulking. When we’re cutting, it helps keep out extra blood sugar before it can be broken down and used to store fat. On top of that, it produces an anti-catabolic environment from all the growth factors and other goodies in there.

Another way of thinking of it is that, in the body, GH and Insulin exist in opposition to each other – one goes up and the body downregulates the other one. By putting more of both in there, we reap the benefits of having more of both by overriding the body’s inbuilt systems

After all, we’re really just biohackers when you get down to it. We’re fiddling with the knobs so we can grow into animals 😃
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Actually It kind of sounds like you don’t know how it works lol

Once you intake carbs and your blood sugar goes up insulin is released to consume the elevated bloodsugar in tissue like glycogen in muscle or to store as fat in fat cells. Once the blood sugar returns to baseline there’s no need for more insulin.

I understand insulin effects igf-1 and other pathways but your naturally produced insulin does the very same assuming you body produces enough lol
@Jonny I’ll just leave this here for you. This is ma boy explaining it – insulin is one of the more complex interactions, so its definitely worth learning more about

Jonny said:
Actually It kind of sounds like you don’t know how it works lol
Well you’re kinda right! I’m not an expert, just an amateur 😃 That’s why I rely on people I trust to help me get big. All I can really do is parrot them, cuz like I’ve said to you before, using this stuff for bodybuilding/recovery is all off the grid.
Naw it’s cool! Things get heated sometimes. Here’s another video from my coach’s mentor about it: They explain in depth why they include insulin in their protocols. Maybe once we’ve both had a refresher, we can have a more productive conversation about it, eh? This is a REALLY good talk, I’ve listend to it before on their member site. Definitely worth listining to
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Jonny said:
you’re body can still produce enough unsulin to do exactly what your describing.
I don’t think that’s all together true. I still produce insulin but my body doesn’t utilize at an optimal level.

I also think what @anabolic_geek is trying to say is eating is one thing…eating a lot is another… mega eating will take a little bio hacking to shuttle everything where it needs to go unlike mega eating without extra insulin could very well mak a person obese and lead to all sorts of nasties.

My take on it.