Hi all, New Member here introducing himself

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Well-known member
Hopefully I do this right. Greetings UGmuscle members, just wanted to make an introduction. I’ll be 37 in a week I’ve been lifting since I was 13. I’m 6’5" 338. Currently dieting and just started trt 2 weeks ago, 200 mg of test C a week. I’ve been natural my entire life so I’ve started researching and have fallen down a rabbit hole. Just here to learn what I can. Thanks all
Welcome to ugmuscle brother glad to have you around were all here to help and I myself some years back lost alot of weight before I got back into working out look forward to seeing you in the forums
Welcome. I hope your not a actual jerk. We had a guy join recently named Asshole, and he didn’t last long, before his dumbass got the boot, anyways this is a great place, lots to be learned and shared.
The Jerk, classic movie, Steve Martin’s 2nd best film after Planes, Trains, and Automobile’s. Though John Candy made that film.
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