Ingrown hairs?! Remedies?

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The Swollest
Sooo I don’t know why but damn I have a lot of ingrown hairs! And before y’all bully me no it’s not HERPES!!!

Does anyone have any remedies OTC to help me! Haha ITS NOT HERPES OR A TUMOR?!
I used to get them in inner leg and in my nose cause I pull my nose hairs for pain I’m weird I know
You both are right but they are little never in my life.
Have I had them. No joke…my neck, pubic area, thighs. It isn’t cold or anything but I have been working more. Just odd.
Yeah mine when I was tossing mulch bags in 100 degree heat daily turned into stain had to get the ab’s
Exfoliate. Get a tough washcloth, or even some acne med that agitates the skin. I get them pretty regularly as well.
Testosterone will make your hair thicker. I used to get this in grown hair in my neck the same damn one all the time and it would go so deep I’d have to pick at it with a needle until I could see it and pull it out. I hate those things. Do you shave everything
Stop shaving. 😉 I use a needle and a eye loop and get them out. Or the hard ones have the o’lady get them. 😁
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