Hello, I am new to posting but been reading a lot . Im 43, 6ft 230 have been a powerlifter in the past, but was lifting for general health. I stopped training due to my gym closing for covid, gained some (15#) covid pounds and now am trying to get back into the swing of things and get back to the point where I look like I actually workout…I never tried AAS but was interested for many years. I tested my total T and was in the low 200’s, HRT clinic put me on 100 mg test cyp 2x a week. Been on now for 2 months. Total T at 1007 and Free at 306. SHBG 21.
Edited: Sorry… 200mg total a week so 100 mg on Monday and Thursday
Edited: Sorry… 200mg total a week so 100 mg on Monday and Thursday
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