Just a Quick intro to the site


Well-known member
Been lurking around for a few months and decided this is definitely the best forum I’ve found. Wanted to just give an intro so I can give back some positive reviews to the sponsor I’ve found on this site. I’m 29 years old. 235lbs and around 16% bf I’m just about finished with a lean bulk and I have to say results are decent from where I was at. Not a bodybuilder by any means just a guy with an ego who likes to look good.
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Glad to hear that you decided to write an introduction and that you chose ugmuscle as the community that you wanted to be apart of welcome brother curious to hear about your experience. 235lb 16%bf running anything now?
I’m just about finished up with400mg npp and 600 mg test also with 50 mg of proviron daily. I’d say it’s going awesome all lifts are way up and I’ve actually dropped close to 10%bf. my 16% bf is just a modest estimate so I could be lower. I feel good and I’m looking pretty good. So I’m happy all around. Everything I got is from srx labs and quality is amazing.