L-lysine what’s your guys thoughts?

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Someone gave me some free supps, and vitamins and was wondering if this is worth taking and also got some b-12. Are they worth adding to my list and how much should I take?
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Yeah trying to find somewhere on how much to take but not really finding anything. How’s your weekend going @Poppy ?
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Honestly you probably don’t need either. You can have you b levels checked. Also too many b Vitamin can cause some nerve issues
So vitamin B-12 the book reads as: Is important to nervous system functioning, as well as the production of oxygen carrying red blood cells.

Per day max men ages 31-50 2.4mg per day

@Xpliot this is from Anabolics Sport Supplement Reference Guide available at roidtest.com
Its a dietary supplement you can definitely take it if your goal is to

So vitamin B-12 the book reads as: Is important to nervous system functioning, as well as the production of oxygen carrying red blood cells.

Then no doubt especially if it protects the nervous system?

Dietary supplement though not really sure if its legitimate and worth using if its legitimate give it a try.
Okay awesome! What about the l lysion I’ve heard of other guys taking it and I’ve even read it helps with anxiety and stuff
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