SB Labs

Localized Growth Near Injection Sites

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I know it is supposed to be a myth that muscles near gear injection sites grow faster and bigger than other muscles. But when I had my contretemps with the broken needle in my quad, I stopped injecting in my quads for a while. Even though I hit a new PR on squat during that time, my quads decreased in size. If I didn’t know better, I would swear up and down that it was due to the lack of injections in my quads. And I don’t mean just typical point of injection muscle inflammation. I mean significant overall size. Someone tell me again that this is a myth and that I am just imagining it.
They got whole websites showing those dudes in central/South America that are loaded up with that stuff. Crazy
Synthol is disgusting. Looks disgusting. Disgusting concept.

Thanks for keeping me straight, folks. It’s in my head.

Didn’t know about Helios @Bigmurph. School me about that, please.
Helios is clen plus yhombine in different amounts depending upon the lab its for fat burning its an eca stack that’s stronger and inj.

Women really like it because they can use it in the stomach area, legs wherever they are looking to hit. Men love it to lol
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It insane how many people are using synthol stupidly. I have seen those pictures that you describe of people in central and south America are displaying. Many Pro’s use it for lagging areas, but never with the intention of looking fake. Synthol is used to help expand fascia. In theory when the oil dissipates space is left between the fascia and muscle. this space allow muscle to grow. Yet, I would be very careful using this product. Infection being the most serious, but knots (some subside, but many are left with these knots that can be felt or seen when BF is low enough) and lots of scar tissue is left.
I was watching a bb show on tv…not sure if it was pro or not. Guys looked pretty good. One dude sprung a leak on his deltoid…it gushed out. He left the stage. I would have never guessed. Looks like he leaked maybe 1/2 cup or so.
You’ve done that a few time recently. I think it’s preference for ephedrine over clen when orally taken
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