SB Labs

Low Libido on EQ and Mast E

The ester difference between cyp and enth is very minimal, if I’m not mistaken it’s only like a day or two for peaks, I’m not really an expert on blood work but I guess that could of played a role in the timing of your last pin till you drew bloods. It could very well be the raws your source gets as well, could’ve been a little underdosed
There’s a few reasons this could have happened but typically it would be either something with the raws batch per batch or it could have been on timing to bloods. Even a difference of 12 hours can have drastic results in total serum levels. I’ve played around with getting bloods on long and short esters at different intervals and the timing does matter. You need to be as consistent as possible. I’ve done bloods after pinning Test E at 12 hours, 24 hours, 36 hours, 48 hours and 60 hours. All resulting in different total serum levels. At this point its not about the dosage so much as the timing of the blood draw that will tell you how consistent your source is.
So I pin Test twice a week, and both times that I did bloodwork was on my day to pin, but before I dosed that day. So, both were 3-4 days after last dose.
“Both were 3 to 4 days after last pin.” So what I read there was that you’re not sure or not consistent. At 72 hours you very well could have pulled 2500ng being under the enanthate half life, but at 84 hours you’re already at the half life and could easily have pulled 1500ng as the total dose left in your system would be half.

Just spit balling but if you metabolize test at roughly 5x the rate of the dosage at 500mg a week then your total test serum would be 2500. At the half life of that, depending on how long after the half life you drew bloods you can figure that exactly half the dosage 5x would be 1250ng. If it was just shy of the half life by a few hours the extra 250ng in total serum would likely be the 1500ng you had.
I pin on Tuesdays and Fridays for twice a week dosage. I am always consistent with my use. It was on the 4th day this time, because it was Tuesday. I do not remember which day I tested on last time.

The rest of what you said was pretty technical for me, and I do not understand.

I’ll edit to say this:
Thanks for the explanation and input as always, but to dumb it down for me, does that mean that this is normal, or abnormal?
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It sounds like it is normal for the inconsistency in bloods. Longer esters should be pulled exactly 48 hours after the last pin. Make sure you properly fasted the 12 hours that is required by the lab. For you to personally know your levels and keep them consistent, you will need to do another blood draw exactly the same way you just did this one.