SB Labs

Low Libido on EQ and Mast E

For future reference, since I know I’ve definitely shared an article I found interesting on high dose EQ. Just because we share it doesn’t mean we recommend it bro. Most articles I post, I do so for the community feedback and experience. Good luck with everything man, hope you’re able to fix the issue.
Several comments on this post cracked me up. Especially from John and Berserker. But in all seriousness, and ‘for me’ and ‘speaking from the last months experience’ I’m quite happy with the 400/400 test/eq I’m getting in. The occasional Cialis and daily Anadrol and I’m feeling pretty fucking chipper. I’m in agreement with anyone who said don’t add more or other gear. Adjust your levels and keep after it. But what the hell do I know. I’m as newbie as anyone on here.
Ok, is there anybody that would argue that more is actually more with EQ? I’m about to pin today’s dose, and am definitely going to be lowering it. Just curious if anybody else has another opinion

And thanks again to everybody who commented!
more is never more … although everyone has their sweet spot, more is more is a really bad way to think using gear. I get by with minimal and adjust up from there. you can go up far more easily than going back …
I like to start low with anything I use, especially if it’s the first run with that compound and slowly adjust as needed. Whether raising or lowering the dosage. No matter what anyone says, you have to find what your range or sweet spot is. Listen to your body, no one knows it better than you do.
More is always better do a bottle a day and you will be the biggest fucker in the gym in not time.
Right. For now I’m going to drop 200 mg’s Per week. In two weeks I’ll be on week 6 and at 600 and be able to see what’s really going on, then drop to 400 and see if there is a difference. That’s my plan anyways, we’ll see how that goes.
Let me see if I have this part correct, how long do y’all typically run EQ?
Dude youre not going to notice shit by dropping up and down. Just run it high as you want.
I wouldn’t keep going up and down like that, that will really leave you unbalanced and EQ is so mild you might not feel a difference. If you do wanna drop it bring it to like 600, stay there, and if problems still persist then take it out all together. Also pining more frequently might help with sides as well. As far as length of EQ runs, thats very individualistic. Im coming up on like 16 weeks and will probably keep it in for another 2-3 months. But that’s me and how I respond to AAS.
typical run time on EQ is 16 to 20 weeks. EQ really takes time to ‘show’ up but it does. It is a patient mans compound … most of us that go back to it know that it isn’t going to knock your socks off but slowly insinuates itself into strength gains, an over all hardness to the muscle and some phenomenal vascularity if you aren’t eating processed crap … it works synergistically with your test base training diet and rest. most people are too greedy and don’t realize what it does for you.
Just got lab results from yesterday’s bloodwork, everything is good, but my test level was 1550. The last time I did bloodwork I was using the same amount of test as I am now and my level was 2400. Could this be because I just switched from test cyp to enanthate?