No more like 400mg eq and 400mg test and raise your test during cycle. Really hard to say without knowing your goals or diet or workouts. That’s just a base idea
One thing you need to understand is what @PHD said about the broscience. To help you with a cycle we need to know where you are at now in terms of everything. Weight, bodyfat, workout schedule, goals in future. Cycles need to be tailored to what your goals are.
In know way would I ever use EQ that high with Test that low. How many cycles have you done and what? What are the results that you’ve learned about your body? When we give advice these are all things that we have to consider.
Then if you have a problem post a link to the thread and your problem in a new thread that we can go back and reference. Keep a diary of how you feel, shot schedule etc during the beginning when you are just learning how your body responds to things.
Your fucking with your hormones so you need to learn and document. What works for me may not work for you.
Ive been thinking about running NPP with this cycle now, I may drop the mast and add NPP. Just thinking about the nandrolone makes my knee stop hurting. Is it too late for that?
there’s a few good articles out there on EQ and some of the sides including low libido … it does crash your libido and even though it’s only been 3 weeks and not fully active it is still going to have some effect and especially with that much being injected.
don’t forget an individuals biochemistry is going to have a lot of impact on what they experience xo
I don’t make shit up, 95% of my posts on here are from personal experiences, not bro science. Just like you I’ve been around the block for over 15 years now. I truly agree with you though about how people read something and then parrot it all over the boards and that in my eyes is what fucks people up in the long run.
Lol don’t forget people are just going to inject insane amounts without knowing what and how it effects their bodies. I’ve never heard of eq effecting libido and I’ve never experienced this but I’ve also never ran over 600mg a week. Everyone is different and everyone is effected differently. You know this as well as I do.
9/10 times I reference something, I make sure to so something like “for me” “with me” “in my experience” etc. For that exact reason. We can ball park shit all we want but the fact is that very small percentages of people are going to react identically to the same protocols.
That said, I think the advice in this thread has been a little back and forth and can see the OPs confusion.
My advice, being a grunt lol if I see that, I take the brackets (ie 400mg … no 800mg) and then land in the middle to start. That usually puts me where I want to be with minor adjustments anyway. Good luck with your dick bro
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