Member of the Month Contest September 2019 sponsor Flashlabs

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You have to understand that the way member of the month is scored it takes into consideration the fact that its not all about how much you know but also how much you learn and help others learn possibly by you asking questions that a lurker might not want to ask because they don’t feel comfortable. The reviews help also and you are active every day. I couldn’t think of a better member of the month.

Besides @TBU lol
Valid point. I feel it’s easy to ask questions on the internet, cause nobody can see you,although it’s a harder in real life, and I like to know things with precise answers so I will ask away in person to, the way I figure it, is I’m a tattooed marine whose in great shape,most people won’t make fun of me for askin dumb questions… ha ha

Sorry my friend. I have been placed at a new position at work which unfortunately is limiting my time not just here but with fam…and fam comes first for me. I will check in every now and then brotha. I appreciate you asking…you guys are great…love it here at UGM.
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