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Monday 3/7/22 diet/exercise rollcall

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Gym at 5. I did chest because after all it is international chest day. Breakfast is oatmeal and hard boiled eggs. Lunch is leftover smoked brisket and rice. Weekend was good but as always never long enough.
Woke up and grabbed my HGH from the refrigerator and I dropped the vial. In all my use of HGH and peptides I’ve never dropped a reconstituted vial before. Now I’m going to be paranoid that I broke the 191 amino acid chain and have inert HGH. Fuggggggg!!!
Took my morning wake up supps, tianeptine, flmodanifil, and Cialis to open my blood vessels for the morning fasted hour of walking hills. It’s 45 degrees outside so I’ll be walking as fast as these sticks will take me. I wish I could jog but not possible after the nerve damage to my left leg along with the quad tendon repair which left about 6 inches of dead space where my leg can’t lock out. When I walk hills I have two options to not fall; walk stiff legged, or walk lunge style. On flat land I’m good.
Ok, shut up old man, stop being a pussy. Time to get off the toilet and get ‘ur done! :walking_man:t2:
No gym today… body is a wreck from upper Saturday and deadlift chain lower yesterday. Food today is 4 egg whites, 2 whole eggs, Turkey bacon, 50 grams oats. 6.5 oz pork loin that I smoked last night, 55 g jasmine rice (uncooked weight) 100 g Brussels sprouts. Also have a shake (30 g whey, 3 egg whites, 8 oz OJ) and a banana, and a bar later today. Tonight will be trout or chicken thighs
Same grub all day after an epic cheat meal last night.
No training today I’m on duty. Just do 30-40 min treadmill after EMT class
Was going to take the day off but I got some shit weighing on my mind so it’s going to be a light leg day, maybe some abs. 7oz Chicken and 125g sweet potato. Shake and banana.
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