Movie Review…Woke Critics

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Imagine if today someone said let’s gather all the handicap and mentally challenged people and let them compete against each other lol. Media would have torn them apart. Special Olympics would have never happened.
Okay, so you’re suggest it be based on chromosomes — a genetic test. But there are issues with that as well — all kinds of genetic abnormalities exist where people can be born with the opposite genitalia that their chromosomes indicate and assigned a gender at birth that corresponds to those. You’re trying really hard to fit a square peg in a round hole here — now you’re talking about categorizing people the opposite gender than they’ve known their entire lives. You’re almost toeing the eugenics line by asking for genetic tests. I know it isn’t intentional, but it might be worth pondering what that means.

In general, I would opine that the world exists in shades of grey. It is very much not a black and white question like people make it out to be.
No it’s called common sense and I don’t give a fuck what they’ve called themselves. They’re claiming she has a disorder and that disorder has ways they deal with it. In some cases the person still produces sperm and some cases the doc cuts off the genitalia.

You can call yourself Susan since birth and have XY chromosomes doesn’t make you a Susan. Your body still produces male hormones.

Plenty of people have disorders and compete in special cases like special Olympics with others with the same disorders.
Okay, I’m down with that. But someone still has to write some autocratic rule that says, “yea verily this person is male or female”. It’s a lot harder than it sounds on its face in a grey world. Hence the problem.
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You can even begin to see this in the powerlifting world. Some women are starting to approach records at weight classes that people thought were unachievable for women. In bodybuilding, we’re seeing some natural women who are bigger than some juiced guys on this very forum.

Sociologists are starting to think that this is because these sports have been so heavily gendered that it’s reduced the pool of people that would otherwise compete in these sports. The people competing and setting records in these sports are literal barrier breakers in many ways. They’re inspiring people that wouldn’t have otherwise chosen to compete in these sports that, yes, this is a sport for women too.

I would hazard a guess that over the years as we see more and more of these barriers broken down that human performance isn’t as cut and dry as a gender binary.
Bro haven’t you considered the possibility that these said “Natural Women” are lying about being natural?

Fake natties! There’s more fake natties in this industry then real natties lol
If Mike OHearn can be natty his whole life then anything is possible lol. I still remember one of the first pros I used to get gear from would wear a shirt saying Natural on it 😂
I give that guy credit cause even after he posted the photo with dragon pharma vial in the background he deleted it and doubled down even harder that he was all natural lol. Most people would own up to it. Not him. Nothing deters him from promoting himself as natural to get paid.
Let’s not forget the liver king…”all natural “ except organ meat
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I watched some of his videos and interviews. I got to give it to the dude… he’s a heck of a salesman. Got one hellacious marketing guru behind him too.
My name is JJ.
I am wearing blue boxer briefs, and my preferred pronoun is “bloody.” My preferred noun is “cunt.” When I enter a room with blue and green haired obese, ANTIFA members, I often greet the woke by yelling, “Oye, cunts!” I identify as British so the use of the word, “cunt” is quite normal and not in any way sexist, fascist, or Nazi-esk.
Fuck all those they and them assholes,I don’t have to respect the pronouns,I don’t gotta do anything to make anyone other then my wife and kid happy and comfortable.My opinion doesn’t end where there feelings begin.Also don’t give a fuck how ignorant that sounds.
I think that woman with high test should have been allowed to compete that’s like having 1000 being max for men to compete it’s not her fault her body is making more test. But I do think that any male that’s has
Started puberty shouldn’t be anle to transition and compete. And I’m not really into having kids transition so there’s that as well
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