My Bulking cycle plan

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Everything @Poppy said us spot on. I have BP issues I’m use to checking and recording,low sodium all that shit.I know what and how much to stay away from,like Trestolone,I loved it, except it spiked my BP,oh well I guess.
Arm cuff if superior to wrist cuff.

Most people take anadrol 2 weeks on/ 2 weeks off Bc it is so incredibly liver toxic. I would recommend adding glutathione if taking anadrol.

I wouldn’t take any AI until you have labs supporting your high estro, if you feel like you need to take it Bc your nips are itchy wait another day and if
They are still itchy take some. I’ve never needed a full 25 of aromasin. I usually take 6.25. You can alwahs take more. But once you take it, it’s in there.

Just Bc you’re bulking doesn’t mean eat whatever. Stick to a clean diet and you will see better results.
Of your an estrogen machine, like me, you will want to take the AI.

Did you take an AI on 600mg’s?? If no, then you should be fine.

A-Bombs are definitely liver toxic. Surprisingly better on my liver than Winny though. A good sign of spiked BP when taking the Adrol to look for would be headaches and shortness of breath, if you’re not prone to either of those.

God Speed!
Okay I will get some glutathione! And my diet will consist of the normal meats for proteins and a whole lot of taters for carbs :muscle:t3:
Your bloat at the end of the day is food choice related. Something you are eating your body doesn’t like. Keep a food journal and track your symptoms. Potato’s make me super bloated.
Have you done any food allergy testing?
If it’s bowel related meaning how are your movements you can add in Metamucil that should help
Alright guys I made it 12 days with the A bombs. But think ima drop them. My blood pressure has been fine checked it every day for last few days and got around 124/77 everytime. But yesterday I felt like it was starting to give me anxiety to where my chest was tightening idk but it felt like it was putting me on the edge of having an anxiety attack lol and my anxiety has been under control for awhile. Also it just killed my appetite the last 4 days. Didn’t take it this morning and I feel back to normal lol lost a few pounds tho was sitting at 209 this morning instead of 212.
You’ve been fine for 12 days and had one bad day?

Might just be an anomaly…

If your sleep has been terrible the whole tome then that might be a problem
Yeah my strength went up like crazy! And my aggresion but in a good way. I wasn’t angry or anything. More like fuck yeah let’s get it!! :muscle:t3::muscle:t3:
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