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My New training log !!!!! Says I need a longer title

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Well-known member
Figured I’d start a training log here. I’ll keep up with it as often as possible. Today starts a variation of my new/old routine I used years ago working with an amazing coach
I’m currently in a deficit and I always focus on recovery and progression.
It’ll be 3 days on 1 off. 3 sets per exercise. All working sets to failure. Only resting long enough to catch my breath. I’ll be walking for 10minutes after every meal that I can. So it’ll put me around 50 minutes total.
Carbs are fruit and glycerol, protein is egg whites and protein isolate, fats are macadamia nuts and almond butter.
Currently running 250 test, 50mg anavar.
Day one
Chest back

DB bench 110x7,85x12,65x16

Medium grip mag body masters Pulldown


2 arm bent over Db row 90x4,70x10,50x16

Quantum Seated Calf raise 140x11 3rp

I was out of the gym in about 35 minutes. Felt nice not to be destroyed.
My goal right is recovery I’m in a fatloss phase. I never got out of it really. Cals are lower and my body is burning through everything.
I like this because I can still progress on each movement while hitting each bodypart roughly every 72 hours without being destroyed
I know it looks deceptively simple but it’s actually not something I would recommend for everybody. Because there’s so little volume and only 1 or 2 exercises per bodypart each set has to be pushed to actual failure or else it’ll be pretty worthless.
Tomorrow is legs it’s belt squats and reverse hyper extensions. That’s it.
It’s really balls to the wall every set with good form and each rep takes around 5 seconds.

The walking is just to add to the deficit and to help nutrient partitioning and digestion
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It looks perfect to me. My training is a version of it…short and sweet.

If I’m in the gym 45 minutes I’m 5 minutes late.
I’m normally the same but I think my working sets might be your warm up weights lol.
Normally I’m about 5 minutes in between working sets so I’m as strong as possible but with this I’m running it exactly as it was given to me by the coach years ago. So basically you only wait until you catch your breath in working sets and only about 30 seconds for each warmup set and those are only 2-3 reps just touching the weight to get to the top set.
Yeah I’m switching from pl to more hypertrophy based but I’m struggling with the lowering time in between sets. I was about 7-10 minutes. For squats 5 for bench and 4 weeks for dead’s hahaha
Well today was fucking brutal. I’ll have to get used to the pace. This felt like a hit cardio session
Weights were down but they’ll go back up after I adjust to it. Also I changed the stance to a very close stance.

belt squats 4ppsx3,3ppsx10,2ppsx15
Power lift Reverse hyper pad on G, 60x9,50x5,body weightx20
100%. I wont deal with sides or take more drugs to counter sides. As soon as I experience anything negative I drop it. The drugs are supposed to enhance. I see where guys ask what they can take for anxiety, loss of appetite, insomnia, blood pressure, etc. and all I can think is either lower the dose or drop it completely.
“The drugs are supposed to enhance.” I agree.

If I’m not mistaken, you’re 51yo.

IMHO, as we age, priorities should always lean towards health. I also agree with enhancement…BUT…I believe there’s a time to throttle back some of exotic peds and their required ancillaries and “act our age”
Well said why I have plan in place for how to handle my usage and size as I age. It’s probably the only long term
Planning I’ve ever done and probably the only thing Healthy I’ve considered doig
Ohhhhhh. Sorry buddy. I’m a confused old man. Hahaha

Either way, imo you’re doing right
Today was good. A nice easy day after the last 2.
Everything felt worked but was a nice back off.
Felt weird with how short the session was definitely had to resist the urge to do more but more isn’t better, better is better.
Did one set on a dip machine but it felt weird in my shoulder so I scrapped it.

Shoulders arms

DB lat raise 32.5x7,25x13,20x20

Hammer curl 45x6,35.5x11,27.5x17

Leverage Dips 3ppsx6

Paramount tri ext 1ppx10,25psx14

Life fitness horizontal dc style calf 150x12
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