Natural ways to deal with Prolactin

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I mean chances are when I do superd again for 4 week run it will be on gram plus unless I have a lot going with it
I was on strict 12.5 e3d now that’s as early as I take it take tomorrow will by third day but I think I put off till Sunday
350 NPP and 700 test e before. With Proviron. Maybe I’ll go 900 and 450. See how it feels and get bloods done three weeks in.
I just think for what your tryin fro accomplish that’s a lot of gear. And I fear you’ll end up being fun like me and going to hard and injured again
Honestly I’ve been running 700 test p and 350 NPP and I don’t feel any different then before I started. Except aweful pip. Not at all like last time I ran it.
I don’t think anything will feel like first time also your body is still adjusting to no booze man
I wasn’t drinking Ed. Just went on a bad three day bender. Last time I drank before that was prolly a month ago. I just can’t start cause I never know how it’s gonna end.
It is a rule of thumb. I ran them equal with no trouble whatsoever. I just don’t see the return on investment of those doses. Not for your goals. Switch to test e if your getting pip, and increase your npp. Make sure you’re getting enough protein and you should be making the lean gains you seek.
Also if you can’t tell a difference, get some labs or test your gear. You should definitely feel a difference on those doses.
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