Natural ways to deal with Prolactin

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Ive used Horbaach P5P for my past few cycles based on the advice of a YouTube channel, but still have caber on hand. I cant say i “feel” a difference, bit mood has been stable and no prolactin or progesterone issues as of yet. NPP is almost always in my cycle, unless im runnin tren, which is not often. I havent needed my caber in quite a while if that says anything about the effectiveness of P5P, but I’m a moderate dose guy.
Did you test your gear? If you had labs you’d at least be able to see what your test levels were
Shit!!! I didn’t even realize bro. Sorry that was pretty careless. I’ve had a couple stupid moments this week. I’ll be more careful.
It’s been a real tough week. We had a cousin die from taking Xanax and drinking beer. I use to babysit the guy. Then my father in law past away. He had a rough three months. It started when some youngster on drugs decided to be tough and beat an old man. His body swelled up like a ballon then he became a skeleton and couldn’t walk or even control his bowel movements. And all the funeral stuff online is 12 hours difference and the wife not sleeping good I’m not sleeping good. I’ve lost six pounds this week which sucks. Just been in a fog man and I know it’s no excuse to put this family in danger I’m not my normal self now I can’t think straight cause lack of sleep. On the plus side I stayed sober through it all which if I can’t sleep I find my way to the bottom of a bottle pretty quick. So there is the silver lining. Again it won’t happen again.
Bigmurph said:
Don’t discuss that here
Whenever you post something like this, I scroll up to see what the infraction was and can never see it. I’m assuming you’ve deleted the post. I probably seen it and didn’t think anything of it.

Right over my head.
This is why you need to go to a doctor tell them you are detoxifying from alchohol and they will prescribe you lebrium it will help you sleep plus it will get the alcohol out of your body.

I understand you are having a tough time but I can’t allow those things to be posted on this site or we won’t be here anymore.
Rusty… the big guy called it. If your sleep is effected because of alcohol or lack of it…it might be a good idea to seek treatment.
You can only die from 2 drugs alchohol and benzos can kill you during detox that’s why you need the librium to prevent seizures and it helps remove the alchohol from the body
@Rusty im worried about you brother you can just have a seizure and then your gone ive seen it happen in a rehab buddy died 2wks clean.
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I get it brother. I appreciate you looking out for the community. Even if it on me. Like I said it’s no excuse. I’m almost a month completely sober now isn’t that a bit past detox stages? I sleep fine normally. Just not this week cause wifey is up. Anyways. Sorry you had to start your Sunday off like this brother. Hope the rest of your day is better.
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