SB Labs

Never an excuse to not train

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I’ve had people accuse me of it since I started lifting weights. And I was natural all of my BB career. I just worked my ass off all the time. I tell people with or without gear , you can’t beat me because you won’t out work me. There is a lot in life that is out of our control but you can totally control your work ethic, diet etc. no excuse
I know most firemen are very humble. The whole one side of my family are firefighters Uncle was chief and now his son is chief. My home town has a big convention down the shore fireman’s weekend it’s huge and a lot of fun. stations from all over the state come with their trucks it’s a crazy weekend
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Kad1 said:
day. On the way to a call earlier I was thinking how can I be a better husband? Sounds corny I k ow but in my career I’ve missed a lot of time with my wife
That is not corny bro. This is the biggest challenge and most important in our life. The fact that you are even considering this talks great about your character. A lot of fellas are quite the opposite. It’s more about how can I be better served. Fuck that!!! Your in the right brother not corny.
I used to go down every year. Been going to the board walk since I was a kid
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