New here, Just started TRT

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Well-known member
Hey y’all!.. I’m 44, and I just started TRT (200 test-c/week). I’ve done a few cycles of AAS before (test/mast/tren), and I’ll be looking to add something a few months from now to help supplement. What do you all recommend to add to this test base? My goals as of now are to cut. I’m considering Winnie, anavar, or deca.

Anyway, I’m glad I’ve found this forum and look forward to getting to know and learning from you all. Thank you!!
Some wisconnie brats and hot dogs, and local beer.

Welcome to em all!
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Welcome to ugmuscle brother glad to have you around there are a couple of different options to cut down your cals and up your macros plus compounds and you can make really good gains.
Especially if you have a solid base
Yes sir… 5’11” , 205, 20% bf. I will probably keep at the base of 200, except maybe for some 8 week blasts. I’ll have to see how often bloods are required. If enough spacing, I’ll up to around 500 test base for 8 weeks. Then back to cruise.
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