New here & looking for guidance!

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Yo welcome!! Only thing I can see that would help for that fat loss around the belly is going on a calorie deficit and continuing to box. I would do that for a month or two then jump on a cycle but that’s just me lol.
If that’s what I got do that’s what I’ll do. It’s annoying, it’s the tiniest bit right in the front. Last time it came on during the holidays I started eating plant based mid January I was under 10% by March. Might have to do that again.
Looks good man I would definitely get some cabergoline and nolvadex on hand. Like @ATAVUZ said your diet is going to be the key in combination with the compounds to get the results your seeking.

Nolvadex for gyno issues, cabergoline for potential lactating issues and an absolute must is an AI, armidex or aromasin.
Yes I have arimidex, I should prob add some nolvadex on my next order.
I got a bottle of TrenE on the way. Not even sure what I’m going to run or where I’m going with it. Working on that tho ha.
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Lots of good people here and definitely an abundance of knowledge. You can ask questions and get educated, LEGITIMATE feedback and guidance without a lot of flaming and/or advice driven by ulterior motives.

Welcome bro!
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