SB Labs

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Hey fellas new to the group here, Im looking to learn as much as I can. Im 40 years old 6’4" 180lbs I have had a slim frame all my life Im not looking to bulk up just want to be stronger then I’am. Had my test levels checked don’t really understand them to much but the doctors say they are normal. Total testosterone 527 ng/dl, free testosterone 7.38 ng/dl. Any help understanding what the difference is would be appreciated thanks for reading!
Welcome, someone that’s better then me with your question will chime in soon enough, it’s a great place here,no wrong questions,lots of knowledge to be absorbed here.
Welcome, if I remember right that is within the normal range. But at the same time the normal range is quite broad. Cant really tell you for sure but someone will.
Ha ha way to be consistent telling him someone else will tell him, but in all reality @Stokes there’s not many answers you can’t find here.
Yeah I have done some reading on it but it just seems like such a broad range so just looking for some clarification on the matter and what free test is. Everything I read on it still has me a little lost there.
Welcome to the board.
Yes normal range is between 280-1100
Very broad.
My TRT Doctor wants me at the 1000 range with my test. And that’s what he believes is optimal for me. I was at 270.
Basic TRT is around 200 mg. Of testosterone Cypionate a week or bi weekly. I am per week.
Not all doctors prescribe the same dose but, from all I have talked to most people are running 200mg per week.
And yes he said start taking this 1cc per week and come back in 90 days for more bloodwork.
That’s basically how is went.
Your test is in the middle of the “normal range”. Your free test isn’t that bad relative to your total. Only 1 or 2% of testosterone in your blood is not bound to albumin or SHBG and considered free. You can try something like Proviron to lower SHBG to increase free test. It may help with any androgen deficiency symptoms as well.
Thanks for info I’ll doing some reading on this! If I start trt would it still be a good idea to try proviron?
I like Proviron and usually use it all the time. You would have to try it and see if it works for you but I would say definitely try it.
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